In response to the evolving needs of the industry, the newly designed PVsystCLI command line interface facilitates the running of simulations and the conversion of meteorological data files with unprecedented efficiency and flexibility.

Automate your PVsyst simulations

  • Specify a project and a variant to simulate
  • Generate a report in the language of your choice
  • Vary meteorological data
  • Automatically integrate PVsyst simulations into your workflow and optimise your time

Conversion of meteorological data

  • Import of external data:  The primary use case is to import a collection of files from an external source, grouping compatible files in CSV format.

  • Performance testing of an existing system: Meteorological data from monitoring can generate MET files, allowing comparison of your simulations with electrical measurements from your photovoltaic system.

  • Pseudo-sub-hourly simulation: The pseudo-sub-hourly simulation technique approximates sub-hourly simulations by converting data into minutes and conducting separate simulations for each group.

Define output data parameters

  • CSV Output: In accordance with RVT or SFI specifications, PVsystCLI generates a CSV file containing various simulation variables.

  • Final Report: It reflects the conventional PVsyst report taking into account customisations configured in the PVsyst project: cover page, sections, variables, tables, units, etc.


Define the project and its variants in PVsyst


Import or convert input meteorological data


Run the simulations


Generate detailed reports as well as result CSV files.

Generated report languages












Download & Prices

PVsystCLI is bundled in PVsyst 8 installer


Free-trial of 250 executions over 60 days

Full features without any restriction

Updates included


Server-side installation

Remote access unlocked

CHF 3’000 .- / year

approx. 3176 EUR, 2675 GBP, 3448 USD

Installation & System Requirements

Installation requirements:

  • PVsystCLI must be installed on the workstation where it will be used, and one license per computer is required.

Supported Operating Systems:

  • All Windows client versions currently supported by Microsoft: Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • All Windows server versions currently supported by Microsoft: Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022


Minimum Required Configuration:

  • At least 2 GB of RAM
  • At least 2 GB of free space on the hard drive
  • Graphics card supporting OpenGL 2.0 or higher