Canadian EPW Data

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Canadian EPW Data

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The Canadian EPW (Energy Plus Weather) data files of Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) are available free for 3034 locations - 1494 in the USA, 80 locations in Canada, and more than 1450 locations in 98 other countries throughout the world. They can be downloaded from the EnergyPlus site of the US Department of Energy.

The hourly files represent weather conditions that result in approximately average heating and cooling loads in buildings

Global horizontal irradiance (GHI or GlobHor)

Diffuse horizontal irradiance (DiffHor)

Direct normal irradiance (DNI or BeamNor)  

Wind Speed


The hourly data are available for free.



Details of the Method

Produced by Numerical Logics in collaboration with Environment Canada and the National Research Council of Canada, these Canadian Weather for Energy Calculations (CWEC) data were derived using a methodology similar to the TMY2. Because they represent typical rather than extreme conditions, they are not suited for designing systems to meet the worst-case conditions occurring at a location. They are especially suited for the EnergyPlus program.

The CWEC - EPW data are derived from the Canadian Energy and Engineering Data Sets (CWEEDS) of hourly weather information for Canada from the 1953-1995 period of record.