<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Lithium-ion : Internal Resistance |
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- Activation Energy is the activation energy for the underlying thermally activated mechanism (in J/Mol).
In the form the user has the possibility to plot the correction curve, as a function of temperature, in relative or in absolute values. A dotted line "Maximum authorized value" will appear for cells, if the user selects "absolute" in the Display mode selection group. This line calculates the resistance at the Maximum discharge current - defined on the '"Basic data" tab - when the battery voltage equals the Discharge cut-off voltage. This resistance shall be seen as a limiting value. The correction curve shall not exceed this value. This tool helps to see if the whole model is consistent at limits, in other words if the Activation Energy is consistent with the parameters Maximum discharge current, Discharge cut-off voltage and Minimum Discharging temperature defined in the Behaviour at limits group (Basic data tab).
3 dots (in brown, green and purple) will appear on the curve if the voltage graph - Graphs tab - , is simultaneously displayed (see below). This helps to see the which are the resistance value of the displayed curves. Please follow the link to the model.