Simulation variables: DC-grid systems

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Simulation variables: DC-grid systems

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The following variables are calculated during the simulation process, and available as results:

Meteo and irradiation variables: see previous page.

PV array behaviour

EArrMPP        Array virtual energy at MPP   (after wiring, module quality and mismatch losses),

 Virtual calculation independent of the system state

EArUfix        Array virtual energy at fixed voltage

 Voltage as calculated by the balance loop (real load voltage),

 or line reference voltage when PV-array disconnected.

MPPLoss        Loss with respect to the MPP operation

EUnused        Unused energy loss  (over the user's demand)

Earray        Effective energy at the output of the array

IArray        Array Current

UArray        Array Voltage

ArrayON        State / Duration of the PV production of the array

System operating conditions

Esupply        Energy from Conventional Power Supply

LigLoss        PV to User Line Ohmic Losses

Energy  use

E Avail        Produced (available) Solar Energy

E Load        Energy need of the user   (acc. to Load definition)

E User        Energy supplied to the user

SolFrac        Solar fraction (EUser / ELoad)

U User        User Voltage


EffArrR        Array Efficiency:        EArray / rough area

EffArrC        Array Efficiency:        EArray / cells area  (=0 when cells area not defined)

EffSysR        System efficiency        E User / rough area

EffSysC        System efficiency        E User / cells area  (=0 when cells area not defined)

Normalised performance index

Yr        Reference Incident Energy in collector plane  = GlobInc        [kWh/m²/day]

Yu        Normalized Potential PV Production                [kWh/kWp/day]

Ya        Normalized Array Production        = EArray        [kWh/kWp/day]

Yf        Normalized System Production        = EAvail        [kWh/kWp/day]

Pr        Performance ratio                = Yf / Yr.

Lu        Normalized Unused energy        = Yr - Yu

Lc        Normalized Array Losses        = Yu - Ya

Ls        Normalized System Losses        = Ya - Yf