PV modules - Main interface

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PV modules - Main interface

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The PV module parameter and properties, as well as their behavior, are defined through a 6-sheet dialog:

Basic Data,Model type definition and main STC parameters,
+ summary of all the parameters involved in the model,
+ Tool showing the main results of the model, for any Irradiance and temperature conditions.  
Additional dataAdditional optional data specified for this module, and tools for the elaboration of the model.
Low-light efficiency - Measured I/V curve - Sandia model parameters - IAM specifications - secondary parameters.
Model parametersspecifies some additional parameters necessary to the PV "one-diode" model, and calculates the model unknowns.        
Size and TechnologyModule and cells sizes, by-pass diodes, secondary characteristics, other specifications
Commercial dataManufacturer, availability, prices
Graphsa tool to visualize usual and less usual graphs of the PV-model behavior over a great variety of operating conditions.




Synthesis of parameters associated with any module in PVSyst Database :


"Basic data":

Nom Power:rated power specified by the manufacturer at STC. Should be close to Imp * Vmp.
Tolerance:+/-  tolerances specified for the Nominal power. Only used in PVsyst for establishing the default value of the "Module quality loss" factor (fixed at  Low tol + a quarter of the difference (High-Low)).
TechnologyGives choice for the main technologies of PV modules available on the market. Acts on the model.
GRefReference irradiance for the      (Isc, Voc, Impp, Vmpp)  specifications. Usually STC = 1000 W/m².
TRefReference temperature for the   (Isc, Voc, Impp, Vmpp)  specifications. Usually STC = 25°C,
IscShort circuit current at         (GRef, TRef)  conditions,
VocOpen circuit voltage at         (GRef, TRef)  conditions,
ImppMax. power point current at  (GRef, TRef)  conditions,
VmppMax. power point voltage at  (GRef, TRef)  conditions,
muIscTemperature coefficient on Isc   [mA/K]  or  [%/K]


"Additional data > Secondary parameters":

LID lossSometimes specified by the manufacturer

Specified muVoc Normally muVoc is a result of the model. An alternative value may be specified here according to the datasheets.

This value may eventually be used during the sizing  (choice in the project's parameter definitions)
AbsorptivityLight absorptivity for the temperature evaluation through the thermal balance. Please let at default value.
Nb of bypass diodesUseful for the electrical shading calculations in the Module Layout part. Normally 3 diodes for 60 and 72 cells, 4 diodes for 96 cells in series.
BRevSpecial parameter for reverse voltage behavior; negligible influence in the shading calculations. Please let at default value.

"Model parameters":
Parameters of the "standard" one-diode model

RshuntShunt resistance at GRef. Measured as the inverse of the slope of the I/V characteristics around Isc at STC. If not specified, you can keep the value proposed by PVsyst.
Rsh (G=0)Intercept  at G=0  of the exponential behaviour of Rsh according to irradiance,
RshExpParameter of the exponential.  Without very reliable determination, let it at its default value of 5.5.
Rseries, modelSeries resistance involved in the one-diode model. For crystalline modules, you can keep the proposed value, which may be determined either according to a pre-defined gamma value, or low-light performances.  
Rserie maxMaximum possible value of Rserie. A higher value would not allow the I/V characteristics to pass through the 3 reference points.
Rserie appApparent series resistance, as measured on the I/V curve as the inverse of the slope around Vco at  (GRef, TRef). This slope is the sum of the Rserie (model) and the exponential effects.
GammaDiode Quality Factor, involved in the "one-diode" model.
muGammaThermal (linear) correction factor on Gamma, modification of the "standard" model for obtaining a specified muPmpp if necessary.
IoRefDiode saturation current, involved in the "one-diode" model.
muVocThermal behaviour of the Voc. Related to Rserie, but the manufacturer data is usually not attainable with reasonable other parameters. This value is a result of the model, and will usually not be compatible with the manufacturer's data.
muVocSpecSpecified manufacturer's data, may eventually be used during the sizing if the PVsyst model is not suited.  
muPmppNormally a result of the model. May be forced to a specified value by acting on the muGamma parameter.
muPmppReqSpecified value for muPmpp  if required.
Parameters for the modifications of the one-diode model for amorphous and CdTe technologies
d²mutauSpecific parameter for the contribution of the recombination loss parameter. The validity domain of this value for finding a solution to the non-linear equations is strongly correlated with  Rshunt and Rserie. It has implications on the thermal behaviour, especially of Vco. To our experience with the long-term measurements of several amorphous modules, the value of d²mutau parameter should be rather near to its maximum possible (about 80 to 90%).
Spectral corrParametrized correction according to Air mass and Kt. Fixed correlation (from University of Loughborough), may be activated or not. Not suited for CdTe technology.

"Sizes and technology"

NCell serieNumber of cells in series, necessary for the determination of the model, for one cell.
NCells parallNumber of cells in parallel, not really used by the model.
Cell AreaArea of one cell, will give sensitive area of the module, and allow the definition of a "cell" efficiency; Not necessary.
Module LengthTotal length of the module. Necessary for the calculation of the module efficiency,
Module WidthTotal width of the module.  Necessary for the calculation of the module efficiency,
Apparent lengthTile modules or BIPV: if defined, will be used for the efficiency instead of total length,
Apparent widthTile modules or BIPV: if defined, will be used for the efficiency instead of total width,
Max voltage IECMax. voltage allowed for the array in worst conditions  Voc(low temp) - i.e. insulation voltage acc. to IEC standard (usually 1000 V),
Max voltage ULMax. voltage allowed for the array in worst conditions  Voc(low temp) - i.e. insulation voltage acc. to US standards (usually  600 V),