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Conversion of single tables to a single array of tables

You may want to transform single PV tables to a single array of tables at some point in PVsyst. This can be useful if you imported a 3D scene which contained fixed tables that are well aligned.

However you need to be careful when using this feature with single fields that are not well aligned because some or all of the fields will be moved depending on how well they are aligned. Also if the PV tables belong to different orientations, they will all move to an orientation that has the average values from all selected tables (this orientation will be created if it doesn't exist). This results in a different scene that will provide different results for the simulation.

If you still want to proceed here is how to do it:

First select the single tables you want to convert in the 3D scene:


Then click on the menu called "Transform -> Transform selected PV tables to a single array of tables":


In case PVsyst detects differences between the tables (different alignment, different orientations, etc) you will be presented with a warning popup summarizing the differences and asking if you want to proceed or not. Remember that if you proceed your scene will become different:


The PV tables have now been transformed to a single array of tables (only one array no matter how many tables were selected):
