Available weather data files
The detailed simulation process requires the following hourly weather data:
- Horizontal Global Irradiance,
- Ambient Temperature,
- Horizontal Diffuse Irradiance (optional, may be constructed by a model),
- Wind velocity (optional, for module temperature calculation).
These data are stored in weather data files ( *.MET files) and you can see them in the Weather data tables and graphs section. You can get weather data from any location using the Meteonorm database in the "Geographical site" dialog, import data from a great number of Weather data sources, or create files from your own measured data. Read also our note on Monthly & Hourly weather data files.
The list of weather data files is filled with all files found in the area around the current selected site.
More weather data files can be displayed if you increase the maximum search area to an upper limit (this can be done in the project settings).