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AdvanSol optimizer

AdvanSol® optimizers aer based on a concept named current boosting (buck-only):

  • Below the Vmpp voltage the current is "boosted" along an  (Impp * Vmpp)  curve (hyperbola), up to a maximum current. This is achieved, for a given current I, by a Voltage diminution corresponding to the available Pmpp (Vout = Pmpp / I). In this way, operating the string at Impp of the best module will draw the Pmpp of each module.
  • For voltages over Vmpp, the optimizer's output follows then IV curve of the module.

Different versions of the same optimizer can be available in PVsyst. Optimizers from a same serie will share similar characteristics except for :

  • ...-O : Module-level MPPT Optimization
  • ...-RO : Same as O + Module-Level Rapid Shutdown
  • ...-MRO : Same as RO + Module-Level Monitoring

When using a AdvanSol optimizer, we must check that the PV module is compatible with the input specifications (Voltage, Current, Power) of the device. This is indicated by green devices in the choice list box.

Sizing conditions for the number of modules in a string are identical as for usual PV arrays.