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Normalised Grid voltages

The electric power is distributed using a tri-phased grid.

In such a configuration, we distinguish two voltages:

  • The voltage between two phases Vpp,
  • The voltage between phase and neutral conductors Vpn, which is the usual connection for the distribution in the house for most domestic appliances.

The ratio between them is the square root of 3: Vpp = sqr(3) * Vpn.

In European countries, the normalised low voltage in households is:

     Vpn = 230 V    +6% / -10%     (i.e. ranging from 207 to 244V)
i.e. Vpp = 400 V    +6% / -10%     (i.e. ranging from 360 to 424V)

In the US zone, there are several standards:

     Vpn = 120 V     (no more very usual)
i.e. Vpp = 208 V     (some homes wired between 2 phases ?)

or   Vpn = 236 V     (or 240 ? - Which range ?)
i.e. Vpp = 408 V     (or 416 ? - Which range ?)

or   Vpn = 277 V     ( ??? )
i.e. Vpp = 480 V

NB: Sorry, we don't have precise information about the situation in other regions.