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Importing older Vaisala-3Tier data

The hourly data is available in the PVsyst standard format, for a direct and easy import in PVsyst, and also in .tm2 format.

Understanding Vaisala file headers (PVsyst standard format):

The time reference is the local time. Files headers will differ according to the time zone of the location.

  • Locations with Integer Time Zone:
    • The first line is labelled 1h0 minutes, which means that data was accumulated "from 0h to 1h".
    • PVsyst reads the label 1h0 minutes as "from 1h to 2h",
    • and will consequently consider that the data is +1h ahead compared to the sun position.
      • => Tag Hour shift;-1; required (means that a -1h correction will be applied when reading the data).


  • Locations with half-integer Time Zone :
    • The first line is labelled 1h30 minutes, which means that data was accumulated "from 0h30 to1h30".
    • PVsyst reads the label 1h30 minutes as "from 1h to 2h" (no reading of minutes),
    • and will consequently consider that the data is +30mn ahead compared to the sun position.
      • => Tag Time Shift;-30; required (means that a -30mn correction will be applied when reading the data).
