Importing ReuniWatt Data
Weather data files cannot be dowloaded from the website (ReuniWatt has to be contacted by mail,
The hourly data is provided in the PVsyst standard format, for a direct and easy import in PVsyst.
Reference time of weather data files is GMT (universal time, UT).
Native ReuniWatt files contains more data. All of them are listed below :
- GHI: Global Horizontal Irradiance
- Tamb: Ambient Temperature
- DHI: Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance
- DNI: Direct Normal Irradiance
- BNI: Beam Normal Irradiance
- Aod: Aerosol optical depth 550 nm
- TOA: Global Horizontal Irradiance Top Of Atmosphere
- GHI_CC: Clear-sky GHI
- DHI_CC: Clear-sky DHI
- BNI_CC: Clear-sky BNI
- SZA: Solar Zenith Angle
- Tco3: Total Column content of Ozone
- Tcwv: Total Column content of Water Vapor
- AOD_BC: Partial Aerosol Optical Depth at 550 nm for black carbon
- AOD_DU: Partial Aerosol Optical Depth Dust
- AOD_SS: Partial Aerosol Optical Depth Sea Salt
- AOD_OR: Partial Aerosol Optical Depth Organic Matter
- AOD_1240: Aerosol Optical Depth at 1240 nm
- Fiso: Isotropic part of bidirectionnal reflectance distribution function (BRDF) (MODIS parameter)
- Fvol: Factor describing the anisotropic part of the BRDF linked to the viewing geometry (MODIS parameter)
- Fgeo: Factor describing the anisotropic part of the BRDF linked to the illuminating geometry (MODIS parameter)
- Albedo: Ground Albedo
- Cloud_optical_depth
- Cloud_coverage (between 0 and 100 %)
- Cloud_type:
- 1: no value / pas de valeur ;
- 0: no clouds / pas de nuages ;
- 5: low cloud / nuage bas ;
- 8: thin cloud / nuage fin.