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RVT File Format


RVT stands for Result Variables Template


The RVT File Format has been created to define a list of output results variables. It is a lighter alternative to the SFI format with only the variables list.

RVT files can be used to define output settings:

  • for hourly data storage (advanced simulation)
  • for Batch mode (advanced simulation)
  • for the PVsystCLI run-simulation command.


The RVT file is a plain text file with a single line starting with ResultVars=, then the list of variables is appended and each variable is separated by ;.


Example with actual PVsyst variables:


How to create an RVT file from PVsyst

  • In the Batch mode > Results variables specification or Hourly data output parts of the advanced simulation, select the output variables in the tree and click on Save as Template (Save as Template)
  • Choose where you want to save the file and give it a name
  • Click on Save