Tips for beginners
You can get contextual Help from almost anywhere in the software, by typing F1, or very specific information are often available with little question mark buttons.
You can switch from the language you selected to English and back by typing F9. When contacting PVsyst support for help, please provide screen shots in English (or French).
Clicking on the path to your workspace will open it in the Windows explorer. You can switch between recent opened workspace in File > Recent workspaces
Red dots
Every time you have red dots on graphical views, you can drag them with the mouse to modify the involved parameter (examples: horizon line, plane orientation, near shading orthogonal drawings).
Exporting tables: all result tables can be exported to other software by choosing "Export" in the menu
- either as text file (text CSV format),
- or by "Copy as text" into the clipboard (to be pasted for example in a spreadsheet software),
- or by "Copy as image" into the clipboard.
For some scrolling tables (solar parameter, weather data), you can choose the time period to be exported.
Exporting graphs
All result graphs can be exported to other software by choosing "Export" in the menu:
- either as image file (png, jpg or bmp format)
- or by "Copy" in the clipboard, which can be "Pasted" within any other software (MS-Word, etc.).
Current window image
As in all Windows applications, pressing "Alt + PrintScreen" copies the current window into the clipboard.
Printing tables, graphs or other components
- allow for a double line comment in front of each print form,
- are usually "intelligent" printings which hold complementary useful parameters,
- offer a "preview" facility,
- often ask for desired details about outputs.