Synchronize a license
Synchronizing a license could be necessary in these cases:
- You requested a change on the license owner's name
- You purchased an subscription extension for your license
Direct online synchronization (recommended)
- Start PVsyst.
- In main Menu go to License
- The license description appears, the Activation key field should already be filled with your activation key.
- Click on the Synchronize button.
Success: if synchronization went well you will see a success message, then you can close the dialog box. The license rights are now displayed with the latest parameters.
Error: if synchronization failed you will see an error message. Be sure to have a properly configured internet access and try again or try the external synchronization. Contact us if the problem persists.
External synchronization
- Start PVsyst
- In main Menu go to License
- The license description appears.
- In Manual activation area click on the Online activation button to visit the PVsyst activation page.
- On the activation page put the activation key (35 characters) you got from us after purchasing the license.
- If it was not already pre-filled copy the computer identifier (Host ID) from PVsyst dialog and paste it on PVsyst activation page.
- Validate the captcha and click on the Download license button to get the license file (pvsyst.lic).
- Back to the PVsyst dialog, click on Load file and select the license file you have just downloaded.
Success: if synchronization went well you will see a success message, then you can close the synchronization dialog. The license rights are now displayed with the latest parameters.
Error: if synchronization failed you will see an error message. Contact us if the problem persists.