Setup PVsyst
Install PVsyst
PVsyst installation file is available at
- Download the setup file
- Double click on it, it could show a security warning: the editor must be PVsyst SA (otherwise contact us). Accept it.
If the computer already hosts a PVsyst 8 version, a dialog asking to upgrade or do a parallel install is displayed:
- Upgrade (recommended): the old versions of PVsyst 8 will be removed (user data are kept safe) and the new one will be installed.
- Parallel installation: the old versions of PVsyst 8 are not removed and the new one is installed in a separate folder. The new one might use another user workspace: if you still want to use the same workspace keep in mind that backward user data compatibility is not guaranteed. Anyway, this solution is useful if you need to deal with old PVsyst versions.
- Accept the Conditions of use.
- Select a folder to install, basically the default one in Program Files is a good choice.
- Accept or decline the collection of anonymous data.
- When you are ready, click on Install and accept to elevate your privileges to Administrator when asked.
- When installation is done, start PVsyst with the desktop icon or from Start menu (PVsyst 8.x.x).
Program files
The installation folder contains the program itself PVsyst.exe (which is called by a shortcut in Windows Start menu) and a set of built-in databases for PV components:
- Batteries
- PV modules
- Inverters
- etc
These databases can not be read or modified outside PVsyst, they will be updated by software updates.
How to install PVsyst on Mac
PVsyst can only be run on Windows operating systems. However Mac users can install Windows on their computers by two means:
- Install a virtualization software (Parallels, VirtualBox, etc), setup and run a Windows virtual machine and install PVsyst in it
- Setup a dual-boot on their computer via BootCamp, and install PVsyst on the Windows partition
How to install PVsyst silently (through command-line)
In order to install PVsyst silently, for example when deploying it remotely, you can use the following command arguments :
PVsyst-8.0.x-setup.exe /qn
Just replace the EXE file name with the one you wish to install.
First start
If you are starting PVsyst for the first time, PVsyst will open a wizard to configure your user workspace. To get more information about this topic, please read this page.
By default, PVsyst checks if there is an available update on start-up. If PVsyst is not able to access the Internet, you can also check for updates directly on or download the latest available version here:
An update may contain:
- New features and improvements
- Issue fixes
- Components database updates
There is currently no way to only update the components databases.
Manual check for updates
To force PVsyst to check for updates:
- Start PVsyst
- Click on the menu called
Help -> Check for updates
If an update is available, the details of the update are displayed (version, name, release notes, etc).
To install it:
- Click on Download and install and wait until the end of the download.
Warning: this will close PVsyst and start installation. installation steps - After installation is done, start PVsyst again: your data and license are available just like before the update
Disabling the automatic check for updates
To disable the automatic check for updates:
- Start PVsyst
- Uncheck the menu item called
Help -> Check for updates at startup
Uninstall PVsyst
Deactivate your license
If you have a license for PVsyst and would like to use it on another computer you have to deactivate the license before uninstalling PVsyst: it will be easier to activate PVsyst on the new computer.
To do that, follow this procedure.
Backup user workspace
Uninstalling PVsyst will not remove your workspace, but it is good practice to export the full workspace to back it up and re-use it with a future installation.
Remove the program
Uninstalling PVsyst does not require anything else other than using the Windows uninstall tool:
- Click on menu
Start -> Control Panel -> Uninstall or change a program
. - Right click on PVsyst in the list, then click Uninstall.
- Accept and follow instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions
PVsyst won't start claiming the application is not signed by PVsyst SA
When PVsyst is starting, Windows checks if it is coming from PVsyst SA to ensure this is an authentic version. It guarantees you that PVsyst is virus and malware free.
If this check is failing, a pop up will display: "The application can not start because it is not signed by PVsyst SA."
If you downloaded PVsyst from, the problem must come from the fact that Windows does not contain our security partner's certificate.
Please follow this procedure to update the Windows certificate list:
- Click on
Start menu -> Control panel -> Add or remove program -> Add/Remove Windows component
. - Check
Update Root certificates
. - Click OK.
- Restart the computer.