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You can get access to the battery database by Databases => Batteries.

The battery database is specifically suited for solar systems. It holds 2 main technologies: Lead-acid and Li-Ion batteries. You can choose batteries by technology, by manufacturers, etc. They are sorted by decreasing voltages, and within a voltage range by increasing capacity.

For Li-Ion, the database includes data of single cells. These are not suited for use "as such" in a system. They are the basis for constructing battery blocks, racks, cabinets, etc. all with a same basic element.

The definition of a new battery in the database is not very easy, especially because the fact that the information on the datasheets is not always complete for the requirements of PVsyst. Therefore if you want to use a model which is not in the database, and avail of detailed datasheets, we encourage you to share them with us, in order to enrich this database.

NB In the early stage of a project, you may use a Universal battery, either Lead-acid or Li-Ion. This will be defined by a nominal voltage and capacity only, and will behave as a usual battery in the simulation. This may be useful namely for batch optimizations.

Battery parameters

The battery parameters may be stored as "*.BTR" files in your own workspace. These are defined in the battery definition dialog. The main significant parameters for use in the simulation are the technology, the voltage and the capacity. Replacing an unavailable model by a similar one in the database will not affect significantly the simulation results.

Choice of a battery

For "little" stand-alone systems (some few kWp), the batteries are often (and historically) of lead-acid technology. You can have a look on some tips for the choice of a Lead-acid battery. For future PV little installations, the Li-Ion batteries will be more and more preferred. Because if the initial investment price is higher, the price of the energy along the lifetime is competitive.

Nowadays, the batteries involved in grid-connected systems (domestic or industrial PV instalations) are always Li-Ion batteries.