Differences between yields of version 6 with respect to version 5

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Differences between yields of version 6 with respect to version 5

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In the version 6, the models have in principle not been changed.

However several modifications of default values may explain significant differences in the final results:


Transposition model

In the previous versions (up to V 5), PVsyst proposed the Hay transposition model as default as it was judged more "robust" than the Perez model. In a recent study, Pierre Ineichen found that the Perez model is giving slightly better results (in terms of RMSD of hourly values) in any case. Therefore the Perez model is proposed as default in the version 6.  The Perez model gives yearly values significantly higher than the Hay model, of the order of 0% to 2% depending on the climate and the plane tilt.

PV module  Rserie parameter

Up to Version 5, the  default Rserie value was chosen in order to obtain a gamma value (Diode ideality factor) of 1.30 for mono- and 1.35 for poly-crystalline modules, according to our first measurements on some modules. This leads to underestimated low-light performances. But:

-By comparison with the Sandia model (obtained by outdoor measurements with dozens of modules), we observed that  Gamma should  rather be of the order of 1.1 to 1.15.
-The low-light data, measured indoor (flash-test) by different independent laboratories, are compatible with still lower Gamma values of the order of  0.9 to 1.

We still do not understand quite well this discrepancy between indoor and outdoor measurements.

However in the version 6, we fixed the default Gamma  value to 1.1, which significantly decreases the irradiance losses of previous simulation  (by 2-3% depending on climate).  

This will affect all modules for which the Rseries was not specified in the database by the manufacturers. When manufacturers propose enhanced Rseries resistances, we require that they provide independent low-light measurements for assessing the proposed values.

The default gamma value is specified in the Hidden parameters, topic "PV modules". You can change it even in the version 5 if desired.

Module quality and Mismatch losses

In the previous versions the default "Module quality loss" was chosen as the medium value between the lower tolerance and 0. In the version 6, the database also mentions the higher tolerance limit for modules. The default "Module quality loss" is therefore defined  as the quarter between the lower and the higher tolerance. This doesn't change anything  for symmetrically defined tolerances, but will provide a negative loss factor (gain) for positive sorted modules (for example -0.75 for a  -0/+3% module).    

The mismatch loss parameter was previously proposed by default as 2%, corresponding to PV module samples with an Isc dispersion of the order of 5%. Nowadays the PV modules are specified with narrower tolerance limits, and the delivered samples for a given project are often with 2-3% dispersion. Therefore we diminished this mismatch default loss to 1%.