PV Collada file format

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PV Collada file format

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The PV Collada file format has been created by the PVsyst team in collaboration with the PVCase team in order to provide an open-source exchange format to describe 3D PV scenes.

PV Collada files can be imported into PVsyst since version 7.0.


Format description

PV Collada files use the .PVC extension.


The format is based on the Collada 1.5 format (full specifications available on the Khronos group website).


Extension of the <mesh> tags

The <mesh> tags can contain an additional child element from the following ones :



It must contain only one of these and not the two simultaneously.

Adding one of these tags to the mesh will define it as a PV mesh and each of its faces will be converted to such in PVsyst after the import.



This element describes a fixed-tilt table, it must contain the following child elements :

module_width : INTEGER type, millimeters, describes the width of a module contained in the table

module_height : INTEGER type, millimeters, describes the height of a module contained in the table

module_x_spacing : INTEGER type, millimeters, describes the horizontal spacing between modules contained in the table

module_y_spacing : INTEGER type, millimeters, describes the vertical spacing between modules contained in the table

module_manufacturer : STRING type, describes the name of the module manufacturer

module_name : STRING type, describes the name of the module manufacturer



This element describes a tracker, it must contain the following child elements :

module_width : INTEGER type, millimeters, describes the width of a module contained in the table

module_height : INTEGER type, millimeters, describes the height of a module contained in the table

module_x_spacing : INTEGER type, millimeters, describes the horizontal spacing between modules contained in the table

module_y_spacing : INTEGER type, millimeters, describes the vertical spacing between modules contained in the table

module_manufacturer : STRING type, describes the name of the module manufacturer

module_name : STRING type, describes the name of the module manufacturer

tracker_type : STRING type enumeration ("single_axis_trackers", "dual_axis_trackers"), describes the kind of trackers

axis_vertices : this element must contain two child elements of type <float_array> with a length of 3, describing the global coordinates of the two axis points

min_phi : INTEGER type (between -90 and 90), degrees, describes the minimum E-W tracking rotation angle

max_phi : INTEGER type (between -90 and 90), degrees, describes the maximum E-W tracking rotation angle

min_theta : INTEGER type (between -90 and 90), degrees, describes the minimum N-S tracking rotation angle

max_theta : INTEGER type (between -90 and 90), degrees, describes the maximum N-S tracking rotation angle


Sample PVC files can be found in the "DataRO/PVsyst7.0_Data/Userdata" subfolder of the PVsyst installation folder.