Pump data: current threshold

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Pump data: current threshold

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With Positive displacement pumps, and in absence of an integrated power converter, the motor will require an over-current before starting rotating.

This panel asks for defining these over-currents for Head Min, Head Max, and an intermediate HeadMed at half distance between them. The final function at any Head in the model will result of a linear interpolation.

Also the threshold voltage should be defined. This is the voltage at which the pump (i.e. Flow production) will stop. It usually corresponds to the elbow of the measured Current/Voltage curve.

This elbow is not always well defined (not given in the data sheets). The model chooses it below the lowest specified running point. The I = f(U) behaviour between the last significant point and  the origin  (U=0, I=0) is approximated by a quadratic curve for completude of the model, but its exact values don't have a great importance during the simulation process.