Domestic User's needs

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Domestic User's needs

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See also 'User's needs'

This is a simple tool aiming to facilitate the domestic load estimation from a practical ("end-user") point of view.

This tool also clearly identifies the consumption of each appliance, and perhaps will help optimising the customer needs options (for example, bring attention on stand-by or washing machines real cost in PV systems).


For each appliance, you should define:

- the number of devices, their individual power, the duration of their use.  

- the operating hours in the day :


and the table will give the concerned energies.

You can define a daily profile for:

- The full year

- Seasonal values

- Monthly values

- With a weekly modulation (W-E use)

There is a tool for copying data from one month or season to other ones.

The Week-end option allows for concentrating the daily consumption on a specified number of days of the week only. This option may be specified independently for each season/month.

The Stand-by consumption may be extended to the week non-utilization days if desired.


This definition may be seen as rather tedious.

You can of course save them and reuse them in another project.

The program provides templates for representing :

- a small basic SHS system  with just lamps and TV/computers,

- an enhanced SHS system with a fridge and little appliances  (about 2 kWh/day),

- a current household consumption with usual domestic appliances (12 kWh/day).