Activate a license

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Activate a license

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After buying a license, you have to activate your copy of PVsyst.


There are 2 ways for that:

A direct activation from PVsyst (requires an available Internet access from the computer running PVsyst), it is a quick and easy way.

An external activation done from any PC running a web browser. It is useful if computer running PVsyst does not have a working Internet connection.

Direct online activation (recommended)

1.Start PVsyst.

2.In main Menu go to License

3.A license description dialog appears (PVsyst is in evaluation or demo mode if you never did an activation).

4.In Activation and sychronization of license area put the activation key (35 characters) you received after purchasing the license, then click on Activate button.


Success: if activation went well you will see a success message, then you can close the activation dialog. The license rights are now displayed: PVsyst is properly activated.

Error: if activation failed you will see an error message. Be sure you have a properly configured internet access and try again or try the external activation. Contact us if the problem persists.

External activation

1.Start PVsyst

2.In main Menu go to License

3.A license description appears (PVsyst is in evaluation or demo mode if you never did an activation).

4.In Manual activation area click on the Online activation button to visit the PVsyst activation page.

5.On the activation page put the activation key (35 characters) you got from us after purchasing the license.

6.If it was not already pre-filled copy the computer identifier (Host ID) from PVsyst dialog and paste it on PVsyst activation page.

7.Validate the captcha and click on the Download license button to get the license file (pvsyst.lic).

8.Back to the PVsyst dialog, click on Load file and select the license file you have just downloaded.


Success: if activation went well you will see a success message, then you can close the activation dialog. The license rights are now displayed: PVsyst is properly activated.

Error: if activation failed you will see an error message. Contact us if the problem persists.