Use cases examples
Weather data conversion
- Example 1: Import third party data
- Example 2: PV system performance testing
- Example 3: Pseudo-sub-hourly simulation preparation
PVsyst simulation
- Example 1: Running a large number of simulations
- Example 2: Pseudo sub-hourly simulation
- Example 3: Performances testing
- Example 4: Monitoring
Ready made PVsyst CLI use cases
A series of scripts calling PVsystCLI has been created to give detailed examples of how it can be used.
To access this folder, Click on Manage or File -> Workspace
to open the workspace management window, then click on Reload templates to update the CLI folder content. You can find more details in PVsyst help
A directory containing ready-made examples of PVsystCLI application is located in PVsyst Workspace in CLI\Ressources\examples
It contains the following folders:
- ScriptsBat: Contains examples using Batch (.bat) scripts.
- ScriptsPython: Contains Python scripts to run simulations.
- ScriptsR: Contains R and Quarto (.qmd) scripts for sub-hourly simulation and result comparison.
- Sources: Contains data files such as weather data, site information, and other inputs required for simulations.
Each script labelled with a double digit (e.g: 01_Demo_PVsystCLI_SimpleSimulation) is meant to be run directly in their appropriate environment:
- .bat (dos command) : double click on the file
- python : run it from an appropriate IDE or run the command
python <>
- R : open the R project
and run the scripts
NB :
- These scripts are given as simple use cases. They do not include proper error handling or results consistency checks. Be careful if you want to re-use these scripts for your own projects.
- Minute level simulation with weather data conversion generates 120 separate calls to PVsystCLI. It is not recommanded to run sub-hourly examples with the evaluation version (limited to 250 calls).
Acknowledgments: The weather data used in these examples is sourced from the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority (NELHA).
Olson, K.; Andreas, A.; (2012). Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority (NELHA): Hawaii Ocean Science & Technology Park; Kailua-Kona, Hawaii (Data); NREL Report No. DA-5500-64450.