Command-line reference
Each call to the command-line tool must respect this syntax:
PVsystCLI.exe <command> <options>
For 1st time users, an assisting tool is also available: CLI command generator
Here is the list of all available commands and their options.
Get help on a specific command or list all available commands.
PVsystCLI.exe help <command>
Example commands:
PVsystCLI.exe help
This will output all available commands.
PVsystCLI.exe help convert-meteo
This will output the help documentation for the convert-meteo
This command will return the current version of the program and will check for updates of the current version. If a new update is available, this command will return the URL to download it.
PVsystCLI.exe version
Example outputs:
PVsystCLI 8.0.9
PVsystCLI is up to date, you are using the latest version
A new release for PVsystCLI is available: 8.0.9
You can download and install it from here: ../download/latest
Operate on the license to activate it. This command requires the license key to be passed as parameter.
PVsystCLI.exe lic-activate <options>
--key -k | Required | The activation key |
Example command:
PVsystCLI.exe lic-activate --key:xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Output codes:
100 | The license has been activated successfully |
This command will synchronize the license with the server to update its information or end date. Use this command to update a license which has been renewed for example.
Example command:
PVsystCLI.exe lic-sync
This command will deactivate the license from the current computer. This action is required when the license needs to be activated on another machine.
PVsystCLI.exe lic-deactivate <options>
--customer-id -c | Required | The CustomerID associated with the license |
Example command:
PVsystCLI.exe lic-deactivate --customer-id:xxxxxxxx
Example output:
Deactivating PVsystCLI license xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PVsystCLI license successfully deactivated from this machine
This action will output the current license status, validity date with the format "YYYY-MM-DD" and any other license related information.
PVsystCLI.exe lic-info
Example output:
License file: C:\ProgramData\PVsystCLI\PVsystCLI.lic
License key: xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Licensee: Company name
Expiration date: 2025-07-01, 226 days remaining
This action can be used to convert a CSV meteorological data file to a .MET file.
PVsystCLI.exe convert-meteo <options>
Option | Required | Value required | Description |
--input-csv-file -icf | Yes | Yes | Full path to the CSV file to convert |
--input-mef-file -imf | Yes | Yes | Full path to the MEF file to use |
--input-sit-file -isf | Yes | Yes | Full path to the SIT file to use |
--output-met-file -omf | Yes | Yes | Full path to the output MET file |
--input-mef-timeshift -imt | No | Yes | MEF time shift to use [-30;+30] |
--log-level -ll | No | Yes | Level of verbosity for command output (Default: 3 )Available values: 0 [OFF], 1 [ERROR], 2 [WARNING], 3 [INFO] |
--cmd-options-file -cof | No | Yes | Full path to the file containing the command options Avoids writing a very long command line in the terminal in case of many options. Each name:value option are separated by a line break in the file, without any other separator. |
Example usage:
PVsystCLI.exe convert-meteo -input-csv-file:Input.CSV -input-mef-file:Format.MEF -input-sit-file:Geneva.SIT -output-met-file:OutputFile.MET
This command will run a PVsyst simulation and generate the output report and results.
PVsystCLI.exe run-simulation <options>
Option | Required | Value required | Description |
--workspace -w | Yes | Yes | Full path to the PVsyst workspace to use |
--project -p | Yes | Yes | Name of the project to simulate Examples: Geneva , Geneva.PRJ |
--variant -v | Yes | Yes | Identifier the variant to use Example: VC0, VCA, VD5 |
--input-met-file -imf | No | Yes | Full path to the MET file to use (Weather data) |
--input-rvt-file -irf | No | Yes | Full path to the RVT file to use (Results output) |
--input-sfi-file -isf | No | Yes | Full path to the SFI file to use (Results output) |
--input-param-file -ipf | No | Yes | Full path to the parameters file to use |
--output-csv-file -ocf | No | Yes | Full path to the CSV output file |
--overwrite-default-csv -odc | No | No | Overwrites the default CSV output file if it already exists. By default, the CSV output file is used if both the 'output-csv-file' and 'input-sfi-file' parameters are not present. If this option is not specified and the file already exists, the simulation will not be executed. |
--start-date -sd | No | Yes | Start date of simulation (Defaults to weather data start) Supported formats: YYYY-MM-DD , YY-MM-DD , MM-DD Example: 2024-01-01 |
--end-date -ed | No | Yes | End date of simulation (Defaults to weather data end) Supported formats: YYYY-MM-DD , YY-MM-DD , MM-DD Example: 2024-12-31 |
--report-pdf-file -rpf | No | Yes | Full path to the output PDF simulation report |
--report-pages -rp | No | Yes | List of pages to include in the output PDF simulation report. Available values: cover, summary, notes, params, horizon, shadings, usersneeds, results, econeval, circuit, losses, financialbalance, p50p90, carbonbalance, predefgraphs Default values (if empty): cover, summary, params, horizon, shadings, usersneeds, results, econeval, circuit, losses, financialbalance, p50p90, carbonbalance, predefgraphs Example: cover,summary,p50p90 |
--report-language -rl | No | Yes | Language to use for the output PDF simulation report (Default: en )Available values: en, fr, de, es, it, pt, tr, ko, zh, ja, pl Example: fr |
--log-level -ll | No | Yes | Level of verbosity for command output (Default: 3 )Available values: 0 [OFF], 1 [ERROR], 2 [WARNING], 3 [INFO] |
--cmd-options-file -cof | No | Yes | Full path to the file containing the command options Avoids writing a very long command line in the terminal in case of many options. Each name:value option are separated by a line break in the file, without any other separator. |
Example usage:
Running variant VC0 of project Geneva located in C:\PVsyst8.0_Data
PVsystCLI.exe run-simulation --workspace:"C:\PVsyst8.0_Data" --project:"Geneva" --variant:"VC0"
Running variant VC0 of project Geneva located in C:\PVsyst8.0_Data
for January 2024, and output the report to C:\Downloads\PVsystReport.pdf
PVsystCLI.exe run-simulation -w:"C:\PVsyst8.0_Data" -p:"Geneva.PRJ" -v:"VC0" -sd:2024-01-01 -ed:2024-01-31 -rpf:"C:\Downloads\PVsystReport.pdf"
Example output:
Checking license...
Loading workspace C:\PVsyst8.0_Data...
Loading project Geneva...
Loading variant VC0...
NB: The parameters file should be edited from the PVsyst interface. The modified parameters list can be found at the following address : <USERNAME>\AppData\Local\PVsyst\8.0\Admin\Param_Modif.dat
This command will export the PVsystCLI logs which can be sent to the support for better investigating issues.
PVsystCLI.exe export-logs <options>
--target-folder -t | Optional | Full path to the folder for the exported zip file. Default: the User's home path |
Example usage:
PVsystCLI.exe export-logs
PVsystCLI.exe export-logs --target-folder:"C:\Logs"
Example output:
Exporting logs to C:\Logs ...
Logs ZIP file successfully created: C:\Logs\