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Command-line reference

Each call to the command-line tool must respect this syntax:

PVsystCLI.exe <command> <options>


For 1st time users, an assisting tool is also available: CLI command generator

Here is the list of all available commands and their options.


Get help on a specific command or list all available commands.


PVsystCLI.exe help <command>

Example commands:

PVsystCLI.exe help

This will output all available commands.

PVsystCLI.exe help convert-meteo

This will output the help documentation for the convert-meteo command.


This command will return the current version of the program and will check for updates of the current version. If a new update is available, this command will return the URL to download it.


PVsystCLI.exe version

Example outputs:

PVsystCLI 8.0.9
PVsystCLI is up to date, you are using the latest version
A new release for PVsystCLI is available: 8.0.9
You can download and install it from here: ../download/latest  


Operate on the license to activate it. This command requires the license key to be passed as parameter.


PVsystCLI.exe lic-activate <options>


Required The activation key

Example command:

PVsystCLI.exe lic-activate --key:xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Output codes:

100 The license has been activated successfully


This command will synchronize the license with the server to update its information or end date. Use this command to update a license which has been renewed for example.

Example command:

PVsystCLI.exe lic-sync


This command will deactivate the license from the current computer. This action is required when the license needs to be activated on another machine.


PVsystCLI.exe lic-deactivate <options>


Required The CustomerID associated with the license

Example command:

PVsystCLI.exe lic-deactivate --customer-id:xxxxxxxx

Example output:

Deactivating PVsystCLI license xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PVsystCLI license successfully deactivated from this machine


This action will output the current license status, validity date with the format "YYYY-MM-DD" and any other license related information.


PVsystCLI.exe lic-info

Example output:

License file: C:\ProgramData\PVsystCLI\PVsystCLI.lic
License key: xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Licensee: Company name
Expiration date: 2025-07-01, 226 days remaining


This action can be used to convert a CSV meteorological data file to a .MET file.


PVsystCLI.exe convert-meteo <options>


Required Value required Description
Yes Yes Full path to the CSV file to convert
Yes Yes Full path to the MEF file to use
Yes Yes Full path to the SIT file to use
Yes Yes Full path to the output MET file
No Yes MEF time shift to use [-30;+30]
No Yes Level of verbosity for command output (Default: 3)
Available values: 0 [OFF], 1 [ERROR], 2 [WARNING], 3 [INFO]
No Yes Full path to the file containing the command options
Avoids writing a very long command line in the terminal in case of many options.
Each name:value option are separated by a line break in the file, without any other separator.

Example usage:

PVsystCLI.exe convert-meteo -input-csv-file:Input.CSV -input-mef-file:Format.MEF -input-sit-file:Geneva.SIT -output-met-file:OutputFile.MET


This command will run a PVsyst simulation and generate the output report and results.


PVsystCLI.exe run-simulation <options>


Required Value required Description
Yes Yes Full path to the PVsyst workspace to use
Yes Yes Name of the project to simulate
Examples: Geneva, Geneva.PRJ
Yes Yes Identifier the variant to use
Example: VC0, VCA, VD5
No Yes Full path to the MET file to use (Weather data)
No Yes Full path to the RVT file to use (Results output)
No Yes Full path to the SFI file to use (Results output)
No Yes Full path to the parameters file to use
No Yes Full path to the CSV output file
No No Overwrites the default CSV output file if it already exists. By default, the CSV output file is used if both the 'output-csv-file' and 'input-sfi-file' parameters are not present. If this option is not specified and the file already exists, the simulation will not be executed.
No Yes Start date of simulation (Defaults to weather data start)
Supported formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YY-MM-DD, MM-DD
Example: 2024-01-01
No Yes End date of simulation (Defaults to weather data end)
Supported formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YY-MM-DD, MM-DD
Example: 2024-12-31
No Yes Full path to the output PDF simulation report
No Yes List of pages to include in the output PDF simulation report.
Available values: cover, summary, notes, params, horizon, shadings, usersneeds, results, econeval, circuit, losses, financialbalance, p50p90, carbonbalance, predefgraphs
Default values (if empty): cover, summary, params, horizon, shadings, usersneeds, results, econeval, circuit, losses, financialbalance, p50p90, carbonbalance, predefgraphs
Example: cover,summary,p50p90
No Yes Language to use for the output PDF simulation report (Default: en)
Available values: en, fr, de, es, it, pt, tr, ko, zh, ja, pl
Example: fr
No Yes Level of verbosity for command output (Default: 3)
Available values: 0 [OFF], 1 [ERROR], 2 [WARNING], 3 [INFO]
No Yes Full path to the file containing the command options
Avoids writing a very long command line in the terminal in case of many options.
Each name:value option are separated by a line break in the file, without any other separator.

Example usage:

Running variant VC0 of project Geneva located in C:\PVsyst8.0_Data:

PVsystCLI.exe run-simulation --workspace:"C:\PVsyst8.0_Data" --project:"Geneva" --variant:"VC0"

Running variant VC0 of project Geneva located in C:\PVsyst8.0_Data for January 2024, and output the report to C:\Downloads\PVsystReport.pdf :

PVsystCLI.exe run-simulation -w:"C:\PVsyst8.0_Data" -p:"Geneva.PRJ" -v:"VC0" -sd:2024-01-01 -ed:2024-01-31 -rpf:"C:\Downloads\PVsystReport.pdf"

Example output:

Checking license...
Loading workspace C:\PVsyst8.0_Data...
Loading project Geneva...
Loading variant VC0...

NB: The parameters file should be edited from the PVsyst interface. The modified parameters list can be found at the following address : <USERNAME>\AppData\Local\PVsyst\8.0\Admin\Param_Modif.dat


This command will export the PVsystCLI logs which can be sent to the support for better investigating issues.


PVsystCLI.exe export-logs <options>


Optional Full path to the folder for the exported zip file.
Default: the User's home path

Example usage:

PVsystCLI.exe export-logs
PVsystCLI.exe export-logs --target-folder:"C:\Logs"

Example output:

Exporting logs to C:\Logs ...
Logs ZIP file successfully created: C:\Logs\